Sunday, April 29, 2007

B&N Rankings Alert!

Great news, all you ghostie book fans...the book is doing fantabulous up at B&N online. Here's the statistics as of today:

Product Details
0978998626ISBN-13: 9780978998622
Format: Paperback, 352pp
Publisher: Mardi Gras Publishing, LLC
Sales Rank: 740

Now, doesn't that just make you grin ear to ear? Sure does us!

Okay you Barnes & Noble book buyers...listen up...the book is doing great online, so whatcha say you stock us on one of your pretty little shelves? I promise we'll come by and beg everyone to buy. We'll serve coffee, donuts, tell fortunes, give massages...come know you want to. ;o)

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Saturday, April 28, 2007


To begin our mammoth book promotion campaign, Heide AW Kaminski announces the first of several tour stops in the next few months:

May 5, 2007, she will appear at the Tecumseh Boulevard Market, a wine and cheese specialty store in Tecumseh, Michigan, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to sign books.

May 13, 2007, she will be signing books at the Coffee Express from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Adrian, Michigan.

June 9, 2007, Joy Pendleton will be hosting Heide at a neighborhood wine and cheese party in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

In September (exact date will be announced), she will sign and sell books at the Psychic Fair in Toledo, Ohio.

If you're in the neighborhood, drop by and say hi! More tour dates will be announced as they are finalized.

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Friday, April 27, 2007

The Search for the Million $$$ Ghost Hits Germany!

Just discovered this...The Search for the Million $$$ Ghost is in Germany!

Check it out at!

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Book Review at American Chronicle

Thanks to Jamieson Wolf for posting his wonderful book review of The Search for the Million $$$ Ghost at American Chronicle!

I talked to Heide last night...she doesn't seem to be able to figure out how to blog in here, and once she figures it out, she'll be in here, but she's already lining up signings and Pam, who I'm hoping will be able to figure out this blogging thing, too, has just sent a press release out to the papers. I'm waiting on a quote from Pam before I sent out the online press releases, but isn't book promotion fun?

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Spiritual Vibrations at Ground Zero Seven Months After 911

As promised, I want to tell you about a trip to New York I took seven months after 911. The reason why I'm telling you this story is because it had such a tremendous impact on me in regards to spiritual vibrations.

My daughter, a friend of hers and I (the picture to the left is my daughter on the left and me on the right), took the bus to Manhattan, N.Y., to do all the touristy stuff. It was a just a pleasure trip - a full day's worth of exploring all the things Manhattan had to offer - Central Park, Rockefeller Center, Empire State Building, Hard Rock name it.

As this was my very first trip to New York, I think I expected something different. The fear of getting mugged was perhaps one of the things I had on my mind, but I always thought of NYers as being standoffish, gruff and impolite. Could I have ever been so wrong.

It had been seven months since 911 and I want to say New York took on a surreal appearance. Everyone was helpful when we got lost and not either one of us were mugged. Perhaps that's stereotyping, but I couldn't help to think that 911 had changed New York.

But, it wasn't even that. I could feel a presence. But, the presence didn't really hit me until we were upon the site where the Twin Towers went down. It was like you couldn't even breathe.

Since pictures weren't allowed, so these are exclusive. I am showing them to you so that you can see what the area was like seven months after terrorists invaded New York and destroyed the lives of thousands of people.

This first picture was taken at Ground Zero. This was all roped off. Cops and firemen were still at it and this is seven months later. Right beyond the cop car was the actual site. The road is quite torn up by falling buildings, perhaps? If you look to the right, you can see a building that is still destroyed (second from right).

An excerpt from my diary:

"As soon as you reached the area, the atmosphere took on a new dimension. What I found weird was the air was very warm and humid. Almost like you couldn’t breathe. We could still see smoke, but it could have been from them burning the debris. Everyone in our group were silent. We couldn’t speak a word. We just stood there with flashbacks of the horror that took place. The area was still roped off and cops were guarding the place. Crew workers were still at work clearing away what the trash and remnants of that horrific day."

This next picture is a make-shift wall at Ground Zero to hang momentos.

An excerpt of my diary:

"We walked over to the make-shift wall someone had put up as a memorial of those who perished on September 11, 2001. Items from the wreckage were tacked onto the wall, along with pictures of those who died and letters from their loved ones. I took a few pictures until I read ‘No cameras or video equipment allowed or they will be confiscated’. I took a couple more and hid the camera in my jacket pocket.

We stood around, barely able to breathe. Something told me to leave. Picking up on these feelings, I wondered what that was all about. I sensed the cries of the dead. They were all around me and I felt like I was suffocating. What kind of messages were they sending to me?

I told the other members of our group that we should go now. Slowly we made our way out. There were street vendors there selling ‘I love New York’ t-shirts and pictures of the Trade Centers. I picked up a couple T-shirts and a globe of the Trade Centers until the cops came up and told them to leave. I asked the cops why. They said that the profits were going to the vendors themselves and not to the 911 effort. Feeling bad about contributing to this, I also felt these vendors needed to make money, too. However, this was not the place for your own profit.

Walking away, the air cleared and you could breathe again. We were all silent as we made our way back to Broadway and to life."

It was a horrible and tragic day for Americans on 911, but I couldn't help but to feel the torment and pain of those who suffered. I felt this. Standing among the ruins, I picked up on the spiritual vibrations that echoed in my ears. These were the earthbounds who hadn't accepted their plight. Silently, I told them to go to the light. Perhaps they listened. Or, perhaps, they are still there searching for a life that is no more.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Book Pedler Review!

NEW REVIEW! Hop on over to Jamieson Wolf's review blog, The Book Pedler, to see what he says about The Search for the Million $$$ Ghost! Here's a snippet...

"I can’t stress enough how incredible The Search for the Million $$$ Ghost is. At first I was a little sceptical, as different writers have different writing styles and multi-author books are usually pretty choppy. I needn’t have worried. From page one, this book flows beautifully and you can’t tell where one author started and another author continued. The writing is flawless and the story pulls you in until it absorbs your entire world. I loved the idea that, essentially, it was a book about spirituality and the existence of the spirit world..."

If you'd like to read the rest of the review, click here!

Thank you, Jamieson!

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Prayers for the Families of the Student/Faculty Body of VA Tech

My sympathies goes to the family and student/faculty body of VA Tech and hope that they can heal after the horrid massacre that happened yesterday at VA Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. Peace, prayers and white light goes to them.

Follow this link to learn more.

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Monday, April 16, 2007


Whoa...we're in Barnes & Noble online finally! If you'd like to purchase from Barnes & Noble, visit this link!

Okay, okay, I know it's not the bricks and mortar store, but it's really cool to see it in their online store. We're on pins and needles waiting for it to go up at Amazon. I'll let you know when it does, but this journey is so far going great!

Heide has submitted the book to the New York Book Festival! I've been to New York, but never the book festival. It's being held on June 23, 2007 right there in Central Park. I cannot wait. Even if our book doesn't place, I'm going to get a t-shirt with THE SEARCH FOR THE MILLION $$$ GHOST emblazoned across the front and maybe it'll be good for publicity and people will ask me what it's all about!

Ahhh...New York...reminds me of that one time I went to New York about five years ago. Remind me to tell you about that experience. It was six months after 9-11 and the firemen still had the area blocked off. I have pictures which I'll send through, too. You weren't allowed to take pictures, so these are exclusive! Take my word for it; there were enough spiritual vibrations going on to knock you off your feet. Stay tuned for the story tomorrow!

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Can Ghosts Materialize?

One of the key elements to a successful ghost hunt is for the ghosts to appear. I'm not talking orbs, nor am I talking about a puff of passing mist. I'm talking full-fledge human shape and appearance materializing.

When we were writing our book, The Search for the Million $$$ Ghost, one of our co-authors at the time disagreed that ghosts can materialize for an extended amount of time. Oh, it was believable for them to be there in spirit form, but to actually materialize before their eyes was a bit far-fetched, and our readers would find it too unbelievable. As our ghosts did exist for an extended amount of time, we wanted our readers to find this plausible, believable and something that could really happen in real life.

We all know that ghosts exist. Some of us have had encounters with them, so they'll attest to the fact that there are beings on another plane of the ghostly kind who do pay visits on the physical realm. But, how many of them are walking the streets right now and you wouldn't even know it?
Think about it. How many people have you seen that you just feel are from another world? And, before you can take a second look, they're gone?

That's when we went to the experts to find out for sure if ghosts can not only materialize, but stay that way for an extended amount of time for you to actually believe they are real people.

I consulted Victor Zammit, B.A.(Psych), Grad. Dip. Ed., M.A.(Legal Hist.), LL.B, Ph.D, lawyer, Euro-Australian, attorney-at-law, Solicitor of the Supreme Court of the New South Wales and the High Court of Australia (ret.) and author of A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife, on this and he said: “What is a ghost? Let me tell you that there is no such thing as a standard ‘ghost.’ A ghost is a person who used to live on this planet earth, passed on and either is caught in the darkness between earth and the next world all confused and not knowing what is going on in his environment. Or that the ghost was a person who passed on, proceeded to the next world but willfully decides to come back to earth, usually to finish off some unfinished business…psychic research these last one hundred years has provided evidence that materialization (spirits with the same medium’s ectoplasm can lower their vibrations and become as solid as you and I) can take place.

"The Helen Duncan chapter of my book tells of a sailor who materialized, that is from a spirit he materialized to be seen by people on earth, he was touched etc…and found to be solid as you and I. He then related information that his destroyer was sunk by a German U boat and wanted to tell his mother that he is OK in the spirit world. Another incident in the chapter on MATERIALIZATION in my book is about two mums who lost their sixteen-year-old child and were reunited when the boys physically appeared during psychic meetings. I talked to the two of the mums at length and re-confirmed everything they stated. But you must notice very carefully, that the energy for the spirit to become solid and be seen as normal person on earth DOES NOT LAST VERY LONG. This is because Ectoplasm is gaseous element which is emitted by gifted mediums from the medium’s mouth—this ectoplasm is the agent which actually reduces the spirits vibrations to physical vibrations (Einstein theory of E=MC Squared—our physical molecules are vibrating at the speed of light). Spirits’ molecules are vibrating FASTER than the speed of light—180,000 miles per second. Ectoplasm actually reduces the molecule speed to earth’s physical speed—which is at the speed of light—then that is why we will be able to see the spirit as one of us. Your particular problem, Dorothy, is that you will be extending the time significantly. Unless you can use ‘license’—technical expediency—to accommodate the written script. That is something you have to think about."

His words were quite insightful and confirmed our beliefs that this can happen.

Heide Kaminski, one of our co-authors of The Search for the Million $$$ Ghost, consulted another well-known expert in the metaphysical field, Dr. John D. Trent, Vice-President of the Mid-Michigan Ghost Hunter’s Society. We asked him his opinion of a ghost materializing into a human being.

“I have never heard of spirit appearing for any longer than 60 minutes in my studies,” he told us. “There was this woman that hitches a ride in Ohio. She gets a lift home but she isn’t really a living breathing being. She has been dead since the late 1800’s. But she looks real and talks to the person/persons giving her a ride. She even “dematerializes” right in front of them after getting out of the car. Some paranormal investigator rated this phenomenon as a time warp. He must have been a moron! The woman talks to different people, with different questions and gives different answers. Therefore, she is a spirit/ghost, not a time warp at all. Another well known story: A very beautiful girl is at a ballroom/dance club and dances with various men. She touches them while dancing so she is fully materialized, but has been dead for over 50 years. Within an hour or so, she will just “dematerialize” and be gone.”

A dear friend, Robert Egby, a Certified Clinical Hypnosis Counselor, a Certified Sound Healer, an ordained Interfaith Minister, a Dowser, a Psychic Medium, a lecturer and workshop leader on Enlightenment and Higher Awareness, and who also helped me with the passing of my twin soul five years ago, came to my rescue on several questions about the afterlife.

I asked him, “Robert, do you believe that we are all earthbound spirits in some respect? I mean, we are all spirits. I suppose there are differences, but could you clear that up for me?”

He answered, "We are all spirits on spaceship Earth. Technically, earthbound spirits are souls that have been snagged in transition. They were people who could not or would not let go of the physical to cross over into the Spirit World. They live in a dream-state, wandering around places they had on earth, and unable to make contact with loved ones and friends (unless they are clairvoyant, then people can see them and make contact). Earthbounds get frustrated and angry and generate a cold vibration. Sometimes they hear loved ones in spirit and spirit guides calling them from a higher vibration and are attracted up. In which case, their hardship ends. No one knows how many Earthbounds there are, but many are suicides, people who died violently as in war, auto accidents. Now, we are all earthbounds in the sense that we are spirits preparing to go up to a level into the Spirit World. Some people compare earth to an 18th century penal colony, such as Australia where England sent its criminals and forgot them. I prefer to think of earth as a stopping place, an oasis on the spiritual journey."

So, this is what The Search for the Million $$$ Ghost is all about. Even though the book is fiction, it's based on true theories of materialization and dematerialization, and will show you that ghosts do indeed exist.

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Friday, April 6, 2007


This just in from my paranormal pal, Jamieson Wolf! To celebrate the upcoming release of his new book, The Ghost Mirror, he is giving away a free ebook! The ebook is titled Miss Huckle-Finn's Guide to Catching Ghosts and not only is it a wonderful read, it includes the an excerpt of Jamieson's book!

To find out more, check out Jamieson's blog at!
As Jamieson says, "You're in for a frightening time!"

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Thursday, April 5, 2007


Well, guys, it looks like this is it. The paperback book will be up at Amazon any day now. It's been sent to Ingram so pretty soon, you'll be able to pick up your copy!

Stay tuned for news about our virtual book tour!

We've got lots planned for our little ghostie book, so sit tight, more announcements are on its way!

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